Saturday, 6 December 2008

-x- Analysis of 4 Film Stills -x-

.. Camera Angles and Their Effects ..

!* .. Honey .. *!

The Still Image From *Honey* is shown in a medium type of shot. The reason for this is so that the audience can see the characters body language and a fair amount of the mise en scene. The image shows two characters who can be to a certain extent a couple or two people in lvoe, or have a close relationship. This connotes that the film can be about trust, love and companionship.
The shot shown enables the audience to see the characters facial expressions within the shot. The woman' (Jessica Alba) facial expression is potrayed in a desribale or hopefull type of expression. This therfore shows that something important is happening that she has played a part to.
The man's ( Mekhi Phifer ) facial expressions connote joy and relief to the important scene or acion that is taken place within the scene.

!*.. Bringing Down The House .. *!

The shot used in this film still is a close up. The close up empathises the characters facial expressions and allows the aduience to see excatly what is going on. The image shows an old lady covering the eyes of a young boy. This straight away connotes to the audience that the young boy is next to or spotting something he should not see at his age, whilst the lafu is disgusted or shocked by what she is seeing. The shot therfore makes the audience want to watch the movie because the still image makes the audience want to know what the characters are witnessing. Also this still image can connote two types of genre meaning. Firstly the image can connote a horror type of film, as it can be portrayed in a way that something scary is infront of the charcters. However the image can also portay a humours type of genre. This is because the character being an old woman. and the image showing her covering a young boys eyes, can show that she never saw what he is seeing when she was that age. This connotes humour as it reflects everyday life, to when young children see things they shouldn't really see.

!*..Coach Carter..*!

The shot used in this still image from *Coach Carter*, is a medium shot, but to a certain extent can be a long shot. The reason for this is so that the audience can see the charcters body language, a glimpse of the mise en scene and the characters facial expressions. From viewing this image the audience should already get the automatic idea that the man in the suit (Samuel Jackson) plays an important role within the film as he portayed as the boss or coach of the basketball team. The image shows the rest of the characters looking up to him and repsecting his views. This therfore gives the audience the idea that the film focuses upon the coach teaching the players good from bad, or right from wrong. Also the idea that the coach is in a buissness suit at a basketball match connotes the idea to the audience that he has two seprate lives or ideas or can also connote his commitment and loyalty towards the team. This therfore shows that the film is going to be versatile or a film based on two meanings.


Again the shot used in this still image from Jumanji is a meduium shot due to the audience being able to see the charcters faical expressions as well as the home type of setting. The image shows each character looking in the same direction which conntoes concentration and empathises the point that they are looking at something evil or distracting. Also the young boys mouth is open which connotes shock.
The body language shows that each character is holding on to one another. This therfore resmebles the idea towards the audience that they are all have close relationships towards one another and are avoiding anyone to get hurt.

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