Sunday, 28 September 2008

-x- How Does Web 2.0 Affect Me -x-

=) .. There are over 80,000,000 sites for me to choose from, in order to gain information or to obtain reaserch i need to carry out.

=) .. I can communciate with friends, relatives etc, via Facebook, Myspace, MSN Etc.

=) .. I am able to download music, and share vidoes, music and pictures with other people.

-x- What is Web 1.0 -x-

:) Web 1.0 consists of websites created between 1194 to 2004

:) Web 1.0 was formally linked with * dial up connections*.

:) Web 1.0 consisted of *basic websites*, and was mostly *text type* websites, rather than interactive webistes.

-x-Differneces With Web 2.0 And Web 1.0-x-

-x-Web 2.0 -x-

-x-What is Web 2.0-x-

Web 2.0 is a basic term used to desribe the changing movements in the World Wide Web technology.
The changes discovered in this includes:

> Social Networking
> Video Sharing
> Blogs
> Wikis

Web 2.0 also enhances creativity and information sharing.